
Die neuesten Nachrichten über Hammer-IMS
14 Jun 2021
First-time exhibit on ITMA Asia expo in Shanghai

For the first time, Hammer-IMS exhibits on the ITMA ASIA expo in Shanghai, China. This milestone event is China's most important textile event. "We are here to further extend our geographical reach and explore the huge Chinese market," says Tom Redant, CTO of Hammer-IMS. "We were able to scale geographically thanks to our non-nuclear M-Ray based systems for thickness and grammage measurement. Just recently, Hammer-IMS was awarded the VOKA Limburg export prize in Belgium. “We were able to scale geographically thanks to our non-nuclear M-Ray based systems for thickness and grammage measurement."

09 Nov 2020
Hammer-IMS wins the 'Young Export Potential' prize of VOKA Limburg, the Flemish network of companies

VOKA Limburg, a provincial section of the Flemish network of companies, awarded Hammer-IMS the 'Young Export Potential' prize. Hammer-IMS wins the prize in the category of promising companies, which resolutely opt for export to drive business growth.