
Die neuesten Nachrichten über Hammer-IMS
13 Jun 2023
Dirk Torfs, CEO of Flanders Make, visits Hammer-IMS booth at ITMA Milan 2023

Exciting news from ITMA Milan 2023! We had the pleasure of hosting Dirk Torfs, CEO of Flanders Make, at our Hammer-IMS booth.

Flemish companies play a crucial role in the textile and nonwoven industry, and we are proud to be a part of this vibrant community. Flanders Make sets a remarkable example of innovation and excellence in our field.
A big thank you to Dirk Torfs for taking the time to visit us.

05 Jun 2023
New measuring system installation in Groz-Beckert's Technical Center Felting

It brings us great joy to see our joined project with Groz-Beckert featured in their newsletter. Would you also like to be able to benefit from Hammer's unique online measuring solution? Visit us at ITMA 2023.