
Die neuesten Nachrichten über Hammer-IMS
02 Mar 2022
2022 Winter & Spring exhibitions line-up

After INDEX in Geneva last November, Hammer-IMS resumed its exhibition tour across Germany in Winter & Spring 2022. Many people came and visited us to watch one of our non-nuclear inline thickness and basis weight measuring systems in action! For example, the sleek and slim C-frame based system proves to be ideal for quality control of foils and films as well as coatings, paper, fabrics, textiles and nonwovens.

19 Oct 2021
Watch the testimonial video on Vetex in Belgium, a producer of medical laminate

The two-head M-Ray measuring system of Hammer-IMS ensures continuous grammage monitoring. In line with its sustainable corporate policy, Vetex is moving away from a radioactive source to a more sustainable technology. This installation is the result of a constructive collaboration between Le Clair & Meert, Vetex and Hammer-IMS.

07 Sep 2021
Great exhibit at INDEX Nonwovens expo in Geneva

We happily returned from the international INDEX Nonwovens expo in Geneva, Switzerland. After exhibiting in China last June, we demonstrated our sustainable measuring and machine vision solutions. Visitors watched various demos that nicely illustrate our one-stop-shop for safeguarding qualitative manufacturing. It was great to see some of you again in person and discuss your specific quality control applications

22 Jul 2021
Non-radioactive PMC felts grammage measurements at Heimbach Group in Switzerland

Watch our latest dual scanning system, which serves as an inline project for PMC felts at Heimbach Group (Olten, Switzerland). The automated M-Ray based system for grammage quality control eliminates radioactive sources at what the customer calls the pre-needle loom. We collaborated with Vansichen Linear Technology to fit a nearly 9 meters long steel linear module into a very limited inclined space envelope.

15 Jul 2021
Joost Poelmans joins Hammer-IMS to push M-Ray and machine vision technologies

A few months ago Joost Poelmans joined the Hammer-IMS team as R&D engineer. Say hello to Joost who studied engineering and collaborates on pushing the non-nuclear M-Ray weight and thickness measuring technology. He also introduces intelligent machine vision to further increase the quality control experience for plastic, textile and nonwoven manufacturers.

22 Jun 2020
Building momentum towards Hammer-IMS 2021 Expo Tour

Due to the covid-19 pandemic, most international expos of 2020 are canceled or postponed. Therefore, we are setting up a new lineup of events for 2021 to be able to meet you in person and discuss your specific QC applications.

15 Apr 2020
6 reasons to prefer M-Ray thickness & basis-weight quality control over nuclear & X-Ray systems

Our disruptive M-Ray technology is pure electronic by nature. This means that our non-nuclear measuring solutions are harmless for people and the environment. Completely safe for operators...